About Me

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Ontario, Canada
I am a cradle Roman Catholic, that always had the knowledge of God. I, however, did not have a relationship with him and thus, was empty inside. Now through asking him to come into my life and going to prayer groups etc., I have had a renewal in my faith. Protestants may call it being "born-again". I now find what I thought was a BORING Mass to be the ultimate enjoyable experience that brings me closest to our Lord....besides of course Eucharistic Adoration, which is awe inspiring. The Church Fathers took me deeper into my faith which is when I came back completely-like a boomerang, thus my blog title. I understand why I am a Catholic/Christian. It is not just a religion. It IS God, it IS love. I might not be an English scholar and you might edit me in your head. But, I do have something to share and I hope you will join me on the journey and maybe discover something new to think about. Blessings+

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The verdict is in!

Exhale...exhale...thanks be to God!

Lauren is so excited to share with her friends tomorrow pictures of her brain to her classmates. Even one with eyeballs. Daddy will try to laminate them tonight. We as parents are so excited as well. The MRI showed a healthy brain and no spots to be found, no cysts, just a healthy gorgeous brain. The conclusion is that the doctors and specialists felt all tests were definitely warranted. They are still puzzled as to why she had a week of blurred vision in the left eye and then double vision that came and went and returned with headaches in between. We know and they know that this was not some figment of her imagination. It was proven to be true via the optometrist. Besides, no child could act that good. She'd be due for an Academy Award of the century as she depicted suffering too well.

What an interesting time in the calendar year for this to have occurred in regards to getting results. On the first day of Lent. When we are to look closer at our lives and our relationship with God. We have today and the next 39 days (and our entire life really) been given an opportunity to further deepen our walk in faith, from this experience. During this Lent, we start right off with very thankful hearts. They already were grateful for each and every day we breathe. The health of our children was no exception. This gratitude is now expounded a hundred fold. I did not think I could be any more blessed. He blessed us again and we are very humbled by this!

The picture depicts Jesus loving a child unconditionally. This is how I picture him with our sweet girl. He touched her and healed her of whatever the problem was. He is the great physician. He does not bring illness and pain, he is the healer and brings love into the world and into our hearts.

We are still seeing the Pediatric Ophthalmologist again for the 3rd time on St. Patrick's day for a follow up, due to her still having a optic disc that is inflamed in the right eye, not the left eye. It is expected that the inflammation will go away over 2 more weeks according to the Neurosurgeon. He explained it takes time for the inflammation to settle down. That is due to the only conclusion being that she acquired something viral or bacterial like meningitis (but not meningitis). This strange virus/bacteria could have brought this all on. Her brain had mild swelling when the CT scan was taken. But, since the symptoms/spot have disappeared miraculously, and the MRI taken a week later shows a beautiful, perfect brain- something changed, something happened. We believe it was God, kissing her head and making the boo boo go away.

We exhale today and tonight. Thank you mother Church for the faith you breathed into us via the Holy Spirit. That we  have had this faith, hope and love to pull from and get us through a worrisome time. Always trusting, but, during some rough spots, God held us close. He never leaves us, sometimes we leave him. So, when you don't feel him there, ask yourself if you are holding your arms out to him. He can kiss your boo boo's too! *smile*


Cynthia Balint said...

Oh Karen I am so happy for you and your family!!!!

Karen said...

Thank you Cynthia! I appreciate your kind words very much:)