About Me

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Ontario, Canada
I am a cradle Roman Catholic, that always had the knowledge of God. I, however, did not have a relationship with him and thus, was empty inside. Now through asking him to come into my life and going to prayer groups etc., I have had a renewal in my faith. Protestants may call it being "born-again". I now find what I thought was a BORING Mass to be the ultimate enjoyable experience that brings me closest to our Lord....besides of course Eucharistic Adoration, which is awe inspiring. The Church Fathers took me deeper into my faith which is when I came back completely-like a boomerang, thus my blog title. I understand why I am a Catholic/Christian. It is not just a religion. It IS God, it IS love. I might not be an English scholar and you might edit me in your head. But, I do have something to share and I hope you will join me on the journey and maybe discover something new to think about. Blessings+

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oh my...you did what?

"Oh my...."
The look on the priests face was probably much like this picture, I bet, when I confessed about 7 years ago.

I was never a fan of Confession, and after 27 years since my last confession, I was scared and nervous. I joked that the whole church was going up in flames because I had a load of things to confess. That poor, poor priest. My list was long and thorough and I left nothing out. I read up on confession and understood it for the first time in my life. I wanted it to be a good one, because this was now important to me. I was about to be accountable by telling a trusted, ordained person my sins. (Thank God that priests stand in for God as interpreted in scripture and as practiced for 2,000 years.)  But, what an incredible surprise I acquired from going to confession. The surprise and gift, that I received, was great relief and a load of bricks that weighed on my shoulders...miraculously lifted...completely. I never, never, never would have thought this would feel so wonderful. I confess, I was wrong. I did not think this sacrament was so powerful. This cannot be really described, however, but, only experienced to really understand the healing that occurs. Whoda thunk?! But with God all things are possible! I have a past post explaining confession more thoroughly as based on Scripture and early Church writings.

Tomorrow, my little girl is going to have a very special day! Her first sacrament of reconciliation or as it is commonly known, confession. She has reluctantly prepared a private list of her sins to read and confess to Father Matthew, who will take those sins to the throne of God for forgiveness and grace.  Mom and dad can't see the list. I found this humorous and adorable. Even a child surprisingly feels ashamed of her wrong doings just like an adult. That demonstrates clearly that she is at the age of reason and can distinguish right from wrong. She is ready for this sacrament.  She can admit her wrong doings with sorrow and possess the will to set things right. This can be such a humbling experience that brings joy and peace within yourself too. I wonder if this is what she will feel? I know when you have to be accountable to someone it sure makes you try harder to not commit the sin. You also do not want to offend God when you are in relationship with Him. I would never want to hurt my best friend.

Around Easter, she will have her first sacrament of Communion. Then we will prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation in grade 8. Where is the time going??

*The English word Sacrament comes from the Latin word  sacramentum which means "to make sacred". To become closer in our walk with God. 

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