About Me

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Ontario, Canada
I am a cradle Roman Catholic, that always had the knowledge of God. I, however, did not have a relationship with him and thus, was empty inside. Now through asking him to come into my life and going to prayer groups etc., I have had a renewal in my faith. Protestants may call it being "born-again". I now find what I thought was a BORING Mass to be the ultimate enjoyable experience that brings me closest to our Lord....besides of course Eucharistic Adoration, which is awe inspiring. The Church Fathers took me deeper into my faith which is when I came back completely-like a boomerang, thus my blog title. I understand why I am a Catholic/Christian. It is not just a religion. It IS God, it IS love. I might not be an English scholar and you might edit me in your head. But, I do have something to share and I hope you will join me on the journey and maybe discover something new to think about. Blessings+

Saturday, April 9, 2011

You are what you eat!

Is it possible? That we don't know what we have sometimes. That we take the Eucharist for granted. Do we take our Savior for granted? He loves us so much! He became a man out of love for us.

In this video, Jesse Romero a father of three children, shares his view and story about a gangster youth and his pit bull. He communicates to this boy about the Holy Eucharist and Jesus in a thought provoking way. Jesse, was three-time World Police Olympics boxing champion, a former U.S.A. middleweight kick boxing champion and a retired veteran of the LA County Sheriff's Department. He is a lay Catholic evangelist that passionately shares his Catholic faith. I heard him speak years ago at a Rally in Toronto. His words ring true to me in this video. Maybe I will share it with my daughter, as she is receiving her first Holy Communion this May. The more I can teach her, the more she will understand what I did not at her age. 

When you look at the crucifix at home or in your Church, remember, He is not done giving of Himself to you. This beautiful sacrifice, is not where it ends. He continues each and everyday, during every Mass, through the Holy Eucharist, to renew His love for us-in us. 

We are what we eat!!!! Amen.

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