About Me

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Ontario, Canada
I am a cradle Roman Catholic, that always had the knowledge of God. I, however, did not have a relationship with him and thus, was empty inside. Now through asking him to come into my life and going to prayer groups etc., I have had a renewal in my faith. Protestants may call it being "born-again". I now find what I thought was a BORING Mass to be the ultimate enjoyable experience that brings me closest to our Lord....besides of course Eucharistic Adoration, which is awe inspiring. The Church Fathers took me deeper into my faith which is when I came back completely-like a boomerang, thus my blog title. I understand why I am a Catholic/Christian. It is not just a religion. It IS God, it IS love. I might not be an English scholar and you might edit me in your head. But, I do have something to share and I hope you will join me on the journey and maybe discover something new to think about. Blessings+

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Catholic story is being told by the wrong people

"There are not a hundred people in America who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions of people who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church, which is, of course, quite a different thing."
~Bishop Fulton Sheen~

I look forward to viewing this positive and brilliant masterpiece, set to be released this Fall. Father Barron is a very intelligent man of faith. An acclaimed author, speaker, and theologian. I wait to be inspired, enriched and enlightened by his words and the beauty that will unfold in this 10 part series. Considering the Church is 2,000 years old, there is, I am sure, a lot of info and footage jammed into only 10 parts. I understand that being a world wide church, they traveled and filmed in over 20 countries.

I agree with Father Barron, that the Catholic story has been told by the wrong people and it is time to set the story right.

Thank you Father Barron and the Word on Fire team for your years of hard work and dedication to a great project. With my hubby, children, the big flat screen TV, and our bowls of buttery popcorn we will enjoy this epic cinematic experience in the near future.We are proud to be Catholic, the oldest Christian faith in existence. This film will bring that reality to new heights.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pardon me, please!

 Singing the Divine Mercy in song
Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Jesus I trust in You!
Have you ever done something wrong to someone? Caused them hurt or harm and wished you could go back in time and change things? Not an easy task. Well, mercy can mean being pardoned for a wrongful act or being released of a punishment. However, in the Catholic Church, the word mercy, means much more than this.

If we look at the New Testament, the Greek word that is usually translated as "mercy" is the word "eleos." It can also be translated as loving kindness or tender compassion. In short, eleos is God's love poured out upon His people. In Pope John Paul II's encyclical letter "Dives in Miesericordia" (Rich in Mercy) he made two very important statements about mercy. First, he wrote, "Mercy is love's second name." Secondly, he taught that mercy is "the greatest attribute of God.

So, today, we prayed/sang the Divine Mercy Chaplet to God, asking for Mercy to be poured over all mankind. You, me and all the people we love and those that don't even make the top 10 list.*smile* A beautiful day of blessing and drawing closer to Jesus and his sacred heart of love.

The Divine Mercy is based on the writings of Saint Faustina Kowalska, an uneducated Polish nun who, in obedience to her spiritual director, wrote a diary of about 600 pages recording the revelations she received about God's mercy. Even before her death in 1938, the devotion to The Divine Mercy had begun to spread.

The message of The Divine Mercy is simple. It is that God loves us — all of us. And, he wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy. Spend time to learn more about the mercy of God, learn to trust in Jesus, and live your life as merciful to others, as Christ is merciful to you.
Below are acts of work/mercy that we can do for others in our lives:

Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, cloth the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit those in prison, bury the dead, instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, admonish the sinner, comfort the sorrowful, forgive injuries, bear wrong patiently, pray for the living and the dead.

A tall list of works, but while we can't fix everyone's problem, we can support and help lots of people in little ways. Look at the example of Jesus. While He did not wipe out all disease in the world, He did cure many diseased people. Jesus himself did not personally counsel every discouraged, confused person, but, He did give those whose lives touched His a golden ray of real hope. And then he told his disciples—including us—to go about doing the same thing.  

Sometimes they only seem little, but, small acts of kindness help people. We're all richer and better—and more like Jesus—when we put our faith to work with the works of mercy.

Faith without works is dead.(James 2:20)